Our little guy, in fact our family, seems to not be able to be healthy since we've been back to the Dominican. We've had everything from colds, to chest colds, strep throat, migraines, double ear infections and NOW our little Lando has croup. We went to the doctor yesterday and she described it as "like" bronchitis, but to me I just know they don't have a word for croup. I only know of it because I got it quite a bit when I was young and so did my younger sister Abbey. So now Landon is on an antibiotic regiment, tylenol for fever, a "chest pounding" regiment where we have to loosen up the junk in his lungs, AND we have to do a nebulizer treatment three times a day. When we started his treatment this morning, I had to snap a pic. It made me so sad to see just this little mask on his face. I now have a VERY small glimpse into what the moms out there have to see when they have preemies or sick babies. I have more respect and sympathy for you now, more than ever.