Friday, June 27, 2008

A year has passed...

It is BEYOND hard to believe that our little boy is one year old today. It's weird to think that a year ago this morning I was taking a shower wondering if these cramps were worth waking Mike up at 7:00 in the morning. Turns out, they were! I want to put together a little slide show of Landon's first year but haven't had the time. I still plan on doing that but for now, here are some pictures of Landon a year old and eating his first birthday cake! Enjoy...before we know it he'll be having kids of his own!!!

His new favorite thing...brushing his teeth


Look at that beautiful cake!  :)

Mad because we were taking pictures and not giving it to him

Clapping for Mommy and Daddy's pretty birthday song

And....he dug right in

Can you please just check out Lando's face!!!!!!!

Ok, mom, I'm ready to be cleaned up!!!!

1 comment:

Dos Blessed said...

Feliz Cumpleanos sweet Landon!! One year old!! Your girl friends are coming next week to give you big hugs and kisses! love you sweet angel!