Monday, April 5, 2010

There's just somethin' about a daddy and his girl...


there are times when i can forget about bills and stress and concerns.

this picture is one of them.

mike is such an incredible father. he always has been with landon, but with the addition of our new little one, it seems as though his capacity for being an extraordinary father has doubled.

i love catching special moments with the two of them. its like being a part of something totally beautiful without having to orchestrate anything. she smiles at him like she's known him forever. like she knows the loving, tender care he will always provide for her. like she knows she's his special girl. like she knows he will never love another little girl like he loves her.

he smiles at her with eyes that usually glisten with a tear (although never wants to admit it). like she's some exceptional miracle he doesn't deserve. like he's not sure how he's gonna do it, but he's going to try and make her as happy as she can possibly be.

our lives are pretty chaotic at times. as i'm sure most people's lives are with two kids. sometimes, i'm just ready to throw in the towel, climb into bed, cry a little and sleep until all the tough things have been taken care of. but sometimes...sometimes....i get to witness this extraordinary bond between a little one and her father. it gives me a lot of hope for tomorrow. it changes my mood. it softens my heart.

there's just somethin' about a daddy and his girl...


Lolli (aka Lisa) said...

Oh so precious! Love you guys...see you in July and can't wait to love on both children!

Raleigh said...

so true. it is so fun to watch dads and their girls...

Mama Rita said...

Made another mom cry!