Saturday, June 16, 2012

What's New

i always seem to skip over the fact that my kids are growing up right in front of my eyes.  and the reality is i get to see them growing up, at least.  family and friends back in the States don't.  so this quick little post is just for all of you (whoever you are) that follow our family blog.

these two have been a handful lately.  it's a 50/50 shot what kind of day its going to be.  they can be the best of friends; sweet, kind, helpful.  then they can be the worst of enemies; throwing things, hitting each other, slamming doors in each other's faces.  it feels a bit like a reality show for parenting around here lately.  i keep expecting that British lady to show up on my doorstep and tell me all the things i am doing wrong.  then out of nowhere i will get a hundred "please's" and "thank you's" and hugs and "i love you's."  i would call our house a ying and yang right now, if i believed in that sort of a thing.


emi is a princess with a capital "P."  she has me put makeup on her almost every morning.  she walks around in cinderella heels.  she gets really sassy when she wants something and stands there with her hands on her hips until she gets it.  and she is loving her some friends.  the other day my friend, audrey, came over with her little girl, ruby ann.  emi thinks she is ruby's mom; takes care of her, tells her what to do, puts her pacifier in her mouth if she's dropped it.

she has another set of friends, amelia and stella, who live across the street.  i don't have any new pictures of the three of them together but they all stand at their own gates and yell across the street at one another.  it is so incredibly adorable!


landon has come out of his little shell.  he is not nearly as shy as he used to be.  he says one of his favorite things are "groups" (or the missions teams that come down to the dominican), and he loves to see himself on the camera.  for example; the frames below.  haha.


things have still been a little difficult around here with some pretty heavy spiritual attacks, sleepless nights and temper tantrums but when i see photos like the ones above, i am reminded that His mercies are new in the morning and He guides us through the most difficult of times to joy on the other side.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seems like years since you were here. I love you all, Dad