While delightfully reading my friend
Raleigh's blog enjoying hearing about 6 things that I knew/didn't know about her...there it was, all of a sudden "Amanda Goodwin." If you don't know the whole story, you can go to her blog, but the shortened version is I now need to tell you 6 things about myself and tag a couple of other people (which may be hard because I don't even know if anyone but our mom's and raleigh read our blog). But here it is, my six things.
1 - I secretly love teeny-bopper movies. High School Musical, Mean Girls, 10 Things I hate about you...etc. you get the point. I seriously get goosebumps every time the main characters (the ridiculously good-looking popular boy and the strangely-intriguing not-so-popular girl) kiss for the first time. When the movies are all about teaching a good lesson in not forming cliques in high school, or being who you really are instead of what the world wants you to be, makes me all happy inside. If there is a teeny bopper movie on the disney channel or on nickelodeon, I don't move until its over (but i do change the channel sometimes depending on who comes in the room and the level of embarrassment I may feel if they see me watching it).
2 - My biggest regret, maybe in my whole life, is not working harder at playing basketball. I am PASSIONATE about basketball. Yes, I even like basketball probably 30% more than soccer. When I was growing up soccer was natural for me, I didn't have to try very hard. Basketball I had to work at. I told everybody that I didn't want to play basketball in college because I wanted to have a life (soccer and basketball in college would have taken up the entire year) but the real reason was I didn't want to risk having to sit on the bench in case I wasn't good enough to start.
3 - I could eat sushi every meal, every day. It is my favorite food by far and I am never more excited than if I know I'm going to eat at a sushi restaurant. No need for further elaboration.
4 - My favorite place in the entire world is my family's little cabin in Maine. There's no running water, we have a port-o-potty for a bathroom, most days I don't even bathe...it's heaven. Growing up it felt like my sisters and I were always fighting but for some reason, the two weeks every summer we spent in Maine it was as if someone put a spell on us and we were best friends. I don't even remember if we even had a single fight in the 20 some odd years I have gone there with them. Almost all of my best memories are from there.
5 - I have a really bad temper. You probably wouldn't know it because I'm really pretty good at suppressing it. But if its just the right week and I'm really overwhelmed and nothing I'm doing or trying to do is working out I blow up like a volcano. Not for very long. Maybe just for 5 seconds, then I feel immediate guilt, then start crying, then apologize like crazy if anyone (usually Mike) happens to witness it. Not my finest moments.
6 - My favorite book of all time is
The Shack. I hate books, I hate reading and I especially hate self-help Christian books....but for some reason because it is Fiction and the crazy truths you find when God is a large, African-American woman...I couldn't put it down and it truly answered a ton of questions I have always had about faith and Christianity and how to get past a crippling fear or sadness.
I tag Shelly Valentine, Chachi and Benji Zimmerman.